We publish handy, pocket sized excursion guides and books covering some of the most popular areas of Scottish geology. These Geological Excursion Guides and Books are suitable for both amateur and professional geologists and are for sale at a significant discount to members of the Society.
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Earthwise is the digital publication channel of the British Geological Survey, designed to allow free access to geological publications and promote free exchange of information by the wider geological community. Much of the content of EGS publications is available for free on Earthwise.
The Fossil Woman – A life of Mary Anning
Tom Sharpe
Described as ‘the greatest fossilist the world ever knew’, a fully illustrated biography of Mary Anning is long overdue. Drawing on recent research into her life and times, yet always aware of her character and personality, Tom Sharpe has taken a fresh and often surprising look at the achievements of a woman who is finally gaining the recognition she merits.
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Earth Lines: Geopoetry and Geopoetics
Patrick Corbett, Norman Bissell, Philip Ringrose, Sarah Tremlett, Brian Whalley
Earth Lines is a compilation of poetry and essays on the broadest theme of geoscience. It combines geopoetry and geopoetics and an essay on the subtle differences. The historical appearance of geoscience in poetry is reviewed. Over forty poems on themes of stratigraphy, geological process, geologists at work, geoidentity and geopoetics can be found, as can essays recording a geopoetry walk and the poetics of climate change. A geological perspective on Auden’s In Praise of Limestone concludes the volume.
The Earth is heart and centre of this book; what it means to people, how it influences people and how we have influenced it. Deeper appreciation of the planet-people interaction may come from reading these earth lines.
More details of the publication, including a selection of audio and video recordings of some of the poems and poets featured in Earth Lines, including some additional poems and a geopoetry map, are available on the dedicated Earth Lines page of this website.
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Special offer: Geo-poetry bundle!
Buy Earth Lines with Conversations in Stone – celebrating the life and legacy of Hugh Miller (2018)
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James Hutton – the founder of modern geology, by Alan McKirdy
This book, published by National Museums Scotland, gives a thorough and entertaining introduction to James Hutton’s life and ideas. Copiously illustrated and with suggestions of places to visit, it is a revised and greatly expanded version of previous books by Donald McIntyre and Alan McKirdy.
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Our best sellers
Assynt — The Geologists’ Mecca (2nd Edition, 2014)
Authors: P M Dryburgh, S M Ross and C L Thompson
ISBN: 978-0-904440-14-0
The Assynt district of Sutherland has long been recognised as a jewel in the crown of Scottish geology; and in October 2004 the North-west Highlands, of which Assynt forms an integral part, was accorded Geopark status by the European Geopark Network.
The 2nd edition of Assynt — The geologists’ Mecca is an account of the illustrious history of research in the district which formed the foundations of our modern understanding of Assynt’s geology. The book describes the British Association’s famous excursion to Assynt in September 1912, led by Drs Ben Peach and John Horne of the Geological Survey of Great Britain (now the British Geological Survey). It was attended by thirty geologists, including many of the foremost international authorities of the day on mountain-building processes. Brief biographies of these notable geologists are included in the book.
This book is also available as a free pdf download: Assynt – The geologists’ Mecca, pdf file (2.3 MB).
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The Geology of Eigg (2nd Edition, 2016)
Authors: John D Hudson, Angus D Miller and Ann Allwright
ISBN: 978 0 904440 16 4
Eigg is a small island, but it displays a remarkable variety of geology in a beautiful setting, in a way that is readily appreciated by those without any special knowledge of geology. There is an inspiring precedent in the visit of that self-taught polymath, Hugh Miller, in the 1840s. This book includes a comprehensive introduction to the geology of the island, and sets Eigg in its regional context. It describes the sedimentary layers, with varied and interesting Mesozoic fossils, found around the northern coast, the over-lying basaltic lava flows, and the impressive Sgurr ridge with its rich and once-controversial geological story.
There are seven excursions that explore just about every corner of the island and cover all aspects of Eigg’s geology. These include straightforward beach and coastal excursions suitable for all, and more strenuous and remote explorations that will appeal to those with an interest in the geology of the Hebrides.
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A Geological Excursion Guide to the North-west Highlands of Scotland (2011)
Editors: Kathryn Goodenough and Maarten Krabbendam
ISBN: 978-1-905267-53-8
This excursion guide covers the classic geology of the North-west Highlands between Ullapool and Durness, including the Moine Thrust Zone, the Lewisian gneisses, and the Torridonian and Cambro-Ordovician sedimentary successions. This guide represents a greatly expanded and updated version of the original Guide to the Assynt District, the last edition of which was published in 1979.
This full-colour guide incorporates an overview of the geology of the area, followed by 16 excursions to such classic localities as Knockan Crag, Loch Assynt shore, Achmelvich and Durness. The excursions are illustrated by full-colour maps based on the latest BGS mapping and colour photographs. Each individual excursion represents a full day: some excursions involve long walks in remote mountain country, whilst others are more accessible. This book will be of interest to anyone fascinated by the geology of the North-west Highlands.
Readership: geology students, professional geologists, and informed amateurs.
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An Excursion Guide to the Moine Geology of the Northern Highlands of Scotland (2010, reprinted 2018)
Authors: Rob Strachan, Ian Alsop, Clark Friend & Suzanne Miller
ISBN: 978-1-905267-33-0 (joint publication with National Museums Scotland and Geological Society of Glasgow)
Effectively an excursion guide to a large part of mainland Scotland NW of the Great Glen Fault, this 304-page guide (A5 size with Flexislip cover) to the Moine Supergroup is an extensively rewritten update of the previous edition with seven completely new excursions.
Following a concise summary of Moine geology, the 14 excursions (some multi-day, and all colour coded for ease of reference), contributed by 19 authors, are arranged geographically from the Ross of Mull in the SW to unique Moine occurrences near Durness in the NE; a total of 123 individually numbered locality descriptions and four transects are enhanced by 91 colour figures (mostly combined geology and locality maps or photographic structural close-ups). Six widely separated excursions visit localities within and adjacent to the Moine Thrust Zone, and four similarly far-flung excursions illustrate the Sgurr Beag Thrust and adjacent rocks. The less well known thrusts of North Sutherland (e.g. Naver, Torrisdale and Swordly thrusts) are also covered, together with the West Highland Granitic Gneiss and later Caledonian granites (e.g. the Cluanie and Vagastie Bridge granites) and a finale along the Great Glen Fault. To visit every locality in this guide using the recommended timings would take nearly 4 weeks of solid excursion time!
Readership: Undergraduate and postgraduate students, professional geologists and informed amateurs.
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A Geological Excursion Guide to Rum (2008)
Authors: C. H. Emeleus & V. R. Troll
ISBN: 978-1-905267-22-4 (joint publication with National Museums Scotland)
Rum is justly renowned for the ultrabasic cumulate magmas of its Eastern and Western Layered Intrusions of Paleocene age. Less well-known are the equally spectacular sidewall and roof contacts of the magma chamber, together with examples, rare in the geological column, of sequences through the caldera floor of the Rum volcano and the overlying volcano-sedimentary infill (with ignimbrites).
The nine excursions in this A5-sized guide, each colour coded for easy reference, highlight all of the above and also illustrate the complex contacts of the Lewisian and thick Torridonian successions with Paleocene rocks, a feather-edge Triassic succession and Jurassic fault slivers, as well as a plant-bearing Paleocene sequence of lavas and conglomerates that demonstrates very rapid intra-Paleocene unroofing of the Rum Igneous Complex.
A comprehensive summary of Rum geology and an extensive reference list complement the 77 photographs, diagrams and integrated location and geological maps, all in colour.
Readership: Professional geologists, informed amateur geologists, undergraduate students, visitors to Rum.
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A Geological Excursion Guide to the Stirling & Perth Area (2015)
Editors: M.A.E Browne & C. Gillen
ISBN: 978 1 905267 88 0
The Stirling and Perth area comprises some wonderfully varied geology, from the Dalradian metamorphic rocks in the southern Highlands to a range of sedimentary and igneous rocks within the Midland Valley. The eighteen excursions in this book guide the reader to the best geology that this region has to offer, from complex metamorphic rocks around Dunkeld, through the terrestrial old red sandstone around Perth, to the younger and more varied Carboniferous sedimentary rocks south of Stirling. The igneous rocks of the Ochil and Campsie hills are also included, and there are building stone excursions in Perth and Stirling.
Errata: our apologies, the wrong image was used for Plate 12.2 on page 163. You can download the correct image from this link (jpg image, 392 kB).
Readership: geology students, professional geologists, and informed amateurs.
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Discovering Edinburgh’s Volcano - A geological guide to Holyrood Park (2000)
Authors: D. H. Land & R. F. Cheeney ISBN: 0-904440-12-5
The 29 illustrated localities depicted in this very colourful broadsheet (folded to a third of A4) constitute a 4 km circular tour around Holyrood Park and describe the geology of the 340 million-year-old (Early Carboniferous) volcano of Arthur’s Seat, together with its earlier sedimentary foundation and the later intrusive sill of Salisbury Crags. Glacial features are also discussed and the text is complemented by 1:10,000 maps of the geology and topography, and by a geological panorama of the park. One of several side panels is devoted to James Hutton and his hugely influential 1785 book, The Theory of the Earth.
This leaflet is also available as a free pdf download: Discovering Edinburgh’s Volcano (pdf, 9.1 MB)
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Older Excursion Guides published by the Edinburgh Geological Society
Building Stones of Edinburgh (1999)
Authors: A. A. McMillan, R. J. Gillanders & J. A. Fairhurst
ISBN: 0-904440-10-9
Edinburgh, ‘Grey Athens of the North’, owes much of its splendour to the quality of the sandstone from which most of its finest buildings are constructed. The Building Stones of Edinburgh focuses on the geological characteristics of these sandstones which were extracted from local quarries and includes within its pages examples of many of the fine buildings which have made Edinburgh famous.
Readership: Professional geologists, amateur geologists, undergraduate students, architects, civil engineers.
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Lothian Geology - An Excursion Guide (1996 Edition)
Authors: A. D. McAdam & E. N. K. Clarkson
ISBN: 0-904440-06-0
This Hutton Bicentenary (1996) edition of Lothian Geology describes the geological origins of some of the most famous landmarks in Central Scotland. These include the remnants of the c. 350 million year old volcano which forms the distinctive hill and crags of Arthur’s Seat which dominates the Edinburgh skyline. The 20 excursions also visit a wide range of sedimentary and volcanic igneous rocks exposed in incised valleys, along the coast and highland areas of the Lothian district.
Readership: Professional geologists, amateur geologists, undergraduate students, teachers.
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Geology in South-west Scotland - An Excursion Guide (1996)
Editor: P. Stone
ISBN: 0-85272-261-3
This excursion guide is the first to detail the varied geology of south-west Scotland and is dedicated to the memory of Dr Byron Lintern (British Geological Survey). It contains an introduction to the geology of the Southern Uplands of Scotland, which records the presence and eventual closure of a long vanished ocean known as Iapetus. The 18 excursion itineraries describe examples of the geological features and structures developed within this Ordovician to Silurian sedimentary sequence as well as the later Criffle-Dalbeattie and Cairnsmore of Fleet granite intrusions.
Readership: Professional geologists, amateur geologists, undergraduate students.
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Ballachulish Igneous Complex and Aureole - A Field Guide (2000)
Authors: D. R. M. Pattison & B. Harte
ISBN: 0-904440-11-7
Describes the geology of probably one of the world’s most comprehensively studied igneous intrusions. The Ballachulish (pronounced Ba-la-HOO-lish) Igneous Complex is a relatively simple granitic intrusion which was emplaced into the Dalradian metasedimentary rocks approximately 400 to 430 million years ago. Illustrated with clear location maps, photographs, figures and a full colour geological map this excellent guide is highly recommended to anyone with an interest in the geology of igneous intrusions and their metamorphic aureoles.
Readership: Professional geologists, amateur geologists, undergraduate students.
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Assynt District of Sutherland - Geological Excursion Guide (1979, Reprinted 2000)
Authors: M. R. W. Johnson & I. Parsons
ISBN: 0-904440-03-6
This updated version of Macgregor and Phemister’s original guide describes one of the classic areas of Scottish Geology. The most outstanding features of the geology of the Assynt area include the clear evidence of large-scale horizontal dislocations or thrusts which transported large sheets or nappes of rock towards the west, and the unconformable relationships between the Cambrian and Torridonian sedimentary rocks and the underlying Lewisian gneisses. The guide includes a brief summary of the geology of the region, written with special reference to the various localities visited during the 8 planned excursions, as well as a road log which covers the roadside exposures between Ullapool and Lochinver.
Readership: Professional geologists, amateur geologists, undergraduate students.
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Other items of interest
The Deep History of Scotland’s West Highlands
This well-illustrated 24-page booklet is published by the Lochaber Geopark.
It describes the geological events and processes that have led to the formation of the rocks and landscapes of Lochaber and the wonderful scenery we can see today.
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Conversations in Stone – celebrating the life and legacy of Hugh Miller (2019)
Editors: Larissa Reid & Elsa Panciroli
ISBN: 9781912804719
The writer, self-taught geologist and stonemason Hugh Miller (1802-1856) was one of Scotland’s finest nature writers. Born in Cromarty, his works made him a household name, and to this day his lyrical style transports readers to stand beside him at the rock-face. Celebrating his legacy, this anthology brings together prose and poetry inspired by Miller and his life, and his unwavering love of stone, landscape and palaeontology.
Readership: anyone with an interest in Scottish geology, history and literature.
Geology of Islay & Geology of Islay, Jura and Colonsay Volume II
A Guide to the Geology of Islay, Jura and Colonsay Volume II (2021) is a companion volume to A Guide to the Geology of Islay, with six excursions on Jura, three on Colonsay and a further four excursions on Islay.
The geology of each excursion is explained at an introductory level with maps and photographs, and the walks range from leisurely rambles to more demanding treks and sea-kayak expeditions.
A Guide to the Geology of Islay, Jura and Colonsay
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Minerals of Scotland - Past and Present (2002)
Author: Alec Livingstone
ISBN: 1-901663-46-9
A lavishly illustrated and definitive account (212 pp) by Alec Livingstone of Scotland’s minerals that also includes 60 brief biographies of the people who discovered, collated and examined them. The core of the book comprises a glossary of all 552 species known from Scotland together with more detailed descriptions, history and occurrence of 61 minerals native to Scotland. Published by the National Museums of Scotland (NMS), a limited number of copies are available from the Society at the discounted price below.
Readership: Mineralogists, amateur and professional geologists, gemmologists.
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Field Guide to the Geology of Gigha & Cara
Author: J.G. MacDonald
ISBN: 978-1-3999-0458-2
2nd edition (2021) 80 pages, with over 70 photographs and figures, mostly in full colour
The guide contains the most up-to-date information available about the geology of Gigha, and is intended to introduce visitors to the fascinating geology of an often overlooked corner of the Hebrides. The first part of the book provides an extended introduction to the geological history of Gigha and Cara; explanations of the specialist terminology are given in the text and also in a short appendix. The second part consists of seven descriptive itineraries covering selected areas of the more accessible parts of Gigha, mainly around the coastline, and one on the neighbouring island of Cara. The guide is profusely illustrated by colour photographs (taken by the author), locality maps and line diagrams. There is also a brief glossary explaining the meanings of the Gaelic words used in place names in Gigha.
The second edition of the guide includes some minor additions and corrections to the original text and improvements to the quality of the illustrations. Sponsored by the Geological Society of Glasgow.
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