Contact Information & Council Members

Please get in touch with the Secretary or President by email with any general enquiries – contact details below.

Contact address:

Edinburgh Geological Society
The Lyell Centre BGS
Second Floor, Research Avenue South
EH14 4AP

Council & Contacts of the Edinburgh Geological Society

Please note: these are the contact details for the Edinburgh Geological Society not the British Geological Survey, who have a base in Edinburgh! We do sometimes get mixed up … contact details for the British Geological Survey in Edinburgh.

President Mark Wilkinson (
Vice President Angela Mathis
Vice President Mike Browne
Immediate Past President Tom Challands
Honorary Secretary
Neil Mackenzie (
Assistant Secretary (Annual Report) Don Cameron
Assistant Secretary (Minutes) Katie Strang
Honorary Treasurer Christian Ranken (
Membership Secretary Euan Mitchell (
Lectures Secretary VACANT
Excursions Secretary
Emma Bedda (
Assistant Secretary (Excursion Bookings) David Graham (
Assistant Secretary (Geoconservation) Mike Browne (
Assistant Secretary (Clough/Awards)
Graham Leslie
Assistant Secretary (Publications)
Assistant Secretary (Lectures & Fellows’ Night) Christopher Lofthouse
Publications Sales Officer Don Cameron (
Archivist (non-Council role) Angus Miller
Ordinary Members Daryl Sawyer Ian Kearsley
Stuart Harker Emily Brown
Robert Gatliff
SJG Editor in Chief Heather Stewart
SJG Scientific Editors  Romesh Palamakumbra/Martin Kirkbride/Yves Candela/Iain Neill
Independent Examiner VACANT
Promotion Coordinator (paid position) Angus Miller (, 0131 555 5488)