Resources for self-guided fieldtrips & home isolation

These are strange times that we are living through at the moment and which is meaning changes to the life rhythms of even the Edinburgh Geological Society. As you probably aware, we had to cancel our AGM which was due to be held on the 18th March 2020. The next casualty will be our field excursion programmes on both Wednesday and Saturdays over the spring/summer months.

In the meantime, the Society is keen to keep supporting its members and the general public in any way it can. Some ways which we can do this is as follows:

1. Here is a link to the many leaflets produced by our Lothian & Borders Geoconservation Group (LBGC), describing all of the manner of geological features in the local area, which can be self-guided using the information provided. We owe it to all our current and former members of these groups who have prepared these resources to use them at this time. But remember – if going out alone to always let someone know where you are going and when you are expected back. Happy exploring!

2. Our Publication Sales Officer, Don Cameron stands ready to supply you with one of our Excursion Guides (and EGS members get a 20% discount). You can browse the selection in the Publications section of the website, and Don will respond as quickly as possible to any orders he receives. So, lets and try and pick up one of those guides we never quite had time enough to read! If you do find a good geology book (which includes our own publications), let me know and we will endeavour to post reviews on the website. We also welcome Members’ photos (not too many) which we can upload to the website as well.

3. The entire run of The Edinburgh Geologist is available online. That is 67 issues since 1977! Plenty to keep you entertained in that lot. And if you want to go further back in the past, EGS members have access to the entire Transactions of the Edinburgh Geological Society via the Lyell Collection. The Transactions cover almost 100 years (1868 to 1963) with over 800 articles.

Here’s hoping you can at least have a good read and maybe the odd trip out in the coming weeks,

Take care all,

Neil Mackenzie, Honorary Secretary