Deep Time Walk at the Science Festival

Holyrood Park image - Deep Time Walk

Deep Time Walk at the Science Festival – Thursday 11, Saturday 13 and Monday 15 April 2019

The Edinburgh Geological Society is delighted to be contributing to this year’s Science Festival with a unique event in Holyrood Park, exploring deep time, in association with the team behind the award-winning Deep Time Walk mobile app. Join us in the Deep Time Walk to travel across Earth’s 4.6 billion year timeline at a rate of one million years per metre. Starting at the creation of Earth, the walk covers significant events in history, including the formation of the Moon, plate tectonics, the early evolution of life, dinosaurs and much more.

Download the award-winning Deep Time Walk app at

Full details and tickets –

Buy the Deep Time Cards direct from EGS – a set of 58 beautifully illustrated cards, giving 4.6 billion years of Earth history in a tactile, easy to use format. Each card provides a 100-million-year summary of the key transitions that have occurred across Earth’s deep history, with associated reference data and inspiring quotes.