‘Boring’ geology in Glasgow & EGS’ winter lecture programme

Not quite what it may seem, but BGS’ geologists would appear to be doing some interesting new work beneath Glasgow. We have heard directly about plans for this work as part of our previous lecture programme. This BBC news website article from its science section contains some beautiful images from the cores taken from beneath Glasgow. A link to this article is given here.

BGS’ geologists drilling at UK Geo-energy Observatory in Glasgow

A reminder that this year’s winter lecture programme 2020/21, will contain a talk by the BGS’ Alison Monaghan on ‘Drilling into mines for heat: the UK Geo-energy Observatory in Glasgow’ on 3 February 2021. This will be joint meeting with the Mining Institute of Scotland.

Before then and to kicking-off our winter lecture programme on Wednesday 14th October will be a lecture on ‘The Falklands Plateau: its role in the break-up of Gondwana – and other geological controversies’ to be presented by Dave McCarthy (BGS) . This meeting will be held virtually and more details can be found at our lectures page.

Hopefully these lectures and others over the winter will indicate that the geology beneath Glasgow (and Edinburgh) is far from ‘boring’.