Front cover of guide

Moine Guide – reprinted 2018

News from our Publications Sales Officer, Don Cameron is that the Moine Guide has now been reprinted.  He has a good stock of guides available for EGS members at the reduced price of £14.40.  The non-members rate is £17.99.  Please contact Don if you would like to purchase a copy.

Front cover of guide

Front cover of Moine guide


New_EGS GSG Perth

EGS / GSG joint trip to Perth, Saturday 30 June 2018

The annual joint field trip with the Glasgow Geological Society took place to Perth City and surrounding Kinnoull Hill on Saturday 30th June 2018. The visit was led by Con Gillen (EGS) and examined both the Devonian volcanic and sedimentary rocks (Lower Devonian) of the surrounding area. The later rocks being famous for supplying the source rock for the Stone of Destiny. In addition, the trip also included ample opportunity to see the wide range of building stones used in Perth City Centre. The large group, approx. 30 members enjoyed the expert guidance of Con (along with the impressive work of those who compiled the Perth Excursion Guide). The splendid sunny day enabled us to capture the group in the Rodney Gardens, Perth – where lunch was had. The day also ended with a lovely high tea to round off another great field excursion.

New_EGS GSG Perth

EGS / GSG Perth 30 June 2018 (by Beverly Bergman)