2018 EGS Public Lecture – What the Ice Age ever do for us?
At this time of year, its good to reflect on our successes as a Geological Society. This year we held our 2018 Public Lecture event at Dynamic Earth, Holyrood Road, Edinburgh on 21st November 2018. The event attracted around 150 people of all ages. Our topic was the Ice Age and we heard from three excellent speakers – Prof Emrys Phillips and Dr Carol Cotterill (both BGS Scotland) and Dr Tom Bradwell (University of Stirling). This event was our 2nd major public lecture in recent years https://www.edinburghgeolsoc.org/public-lecture/
During the interval at this event, a rolling slide show was presented giving an artistic interpretation of the landscape. The work was put together by one of the speakers, Dr Carol Cotterill. We thought that people may not have had a chance to view this in full and so a pdf download is now available. Please note that the contents are copyrighted to Dr Cotterill, we would therefore encourage anyone who wants to make use of the material to contact Carol directly. https://www.bgs.ac.uk/staff/profiles/6747.html
Thanks again to all who contributed to this year’s successful 2018 Public Lecture.